George Cosmin, aka Basm, is a mixed media / street artist born in 1987 in Romania.

Appasionated in art since the childhood, he started a few years ago with portaits on book pages and, after seeing the London street art, with graffiti.

Now, he use the street art to send a message and to arouse an emotion to the viewers.

He try to bring a part of the street to people’s homes, sometimes the spray paint hits the canvas or the brush meets the paper but always it has something to say.

His style of work varies from purely aesthetic to socio-political commentary about the world.

Basm combines different mediums, constantly experimenting with materials and techniques: paintings on canvas, on book pages, vinyl records, audio cassette tape portraits and other. 

The artist interprets the world around him, translating his experience into his unique vision.

His artworks have been sold all over the world: Europe, China and America.